$GLAC Tokenomics
Dec 20, 2021
This will be a quick one ! But here are the tokenomics for the official Glacier Launch token, $GLAC.
Contract Address: 0x368098e9deb1961426e8c8554e0d910e189862db
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 GLAC
8% Buy Tax / 8% Sell Tax
Broken down as follows:
- 1% Reflection Rewards in $GLAC paid to all existing holders of $GLAC
- 4% to Liquidity for Price Stability
- 3% Continuous Marketing & Development
Given the nature of our Launchpad Tier System, we need to give investors the option of buying an entire Tier allocation in one transaction if so desired. Therefore…
- No Max Transactions
- No Max Wallets
There it is ! A quick breakdown of the $GLAC tokenomics !